Monday, May 8, 2017

The Flying Panic

Post 8 of 31 for May 2017!

I am laughing as I begin writing this post...

The Flying Panic is a common flute student phenomenon, found most often at the top of scales and ascending/descending passages with peaks in the high register.

Simply put, it's that moment when the flutist is reaching the top of the passage and then braces in some way (see scrunched up face in the picture above) as they rush through the uncomfortable high notes and don't pause to pay attention until they are back in their comfort zone. 

Thanks to my student Kirsten who sweetly volunteered to provide an example of The Flying Panic in this video:

The solution to The Flying Panic is...

The Matrix Trick!

Here's the description from page 90 of The Aspiring Flutist's Practice Companion (found in Chapter 8 - the one with the 100 Practice Games!).  

Happy Practicing!
Terri Sànchez

P.S. I'm excited to be putting the finishing touches on The Musician's Inspiration Journal, a beautiful journal designed with love and care by the Maverick Flute Choir. Anyone who donates $40 or more to the MFC GoFundMe Campain receives a journal! Click HERE to donate. 

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