Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Makeover Melody for Solo Flute (A Free Printable!)

Post 9 of 31 for May 2017

Today's post (tonight's post) will be short, sweet, and to the point because I spent a very long day listening to woodwind juries at UTA and filling out endless amounts of comment sheets. I'm SOOOO ready to hang out with my husband and watch TV!!

I call this free printable "Makeover Melody for Solo Flute," because it is a simple, yet advanced melody that you can use to do productive repetitions as you makeover a variety of flute playing skills! Use this melody to give yourself the following makeovers:

* Connection to steady pulse
* Connection to meter
* Phrasing (leading to destination notes, rise and fall, etc.)
* Recognizing patterns and sequences
* Intonation
* Articulation
* Dynamics
* Low register development
* Intervals and embouchure flexibility
* Vibrato
* Body and hand positions
* Rhythm (and subdividing!)
* Tone color practice
* Memorization..

... and more! Enjoy!

I've been receiving some private messages about donations to the Maverick Flute Choir GoFundMe Campaign. Thank you guys! If you would like to donate directly, click HERE

If you follow my blog on a regular or semi-regular basis, will you help me spread the word by sharing the FB page link below? Thanks!

Happy Practicing!
Terri Sànchez