Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Audio Inspiration: How to include more patience and focus during practice sessions!

Post 26 of 31 for May 2017

For this post, I created an audio recording that can be used as a tutorial, a practice inspiration, or even a way to calm down if a practice session feels frustrating. 

The audio recording includes ideas from pg. 21 of The Aspiring Flutist's Practice Companion (click HERE for a book sample) and will hopefully give you or your students some encouragement to include more patience and focus during practice sessions. Teachers, this might be helpful for lessons, too! 

Before you listen to the recording, will you take a moment to donate to the Maverick Flute Choir GoFundMe Campaign? Thanks!!

Happy Practicing!
Terri Sànchez

New Message posted on 10.27.18

If you've enjoyed posts from The Self-Inspired Flutist, head on over to my new creative project, Practice Junkie

I'm only just beginning with all the Practice Junkie videos I am planning to share in the future. Thank you in advance for subscribing to the Practice Junkie website and YouTube channel, following me on Instagram (Practice Junkie type posts coming soon!), and "liking" the Practice Junkie FB page (just posted today!). 

Website: https://www.practicejunkie.com/

YouTube Channel: 

FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/practicejunkie/

Instagram: @practice junkie

Email: info@practicejunkie.com

Thanks also for sharing Practice Junkie videos with any students, friends or music colleagues in need of a good "Stress-Free Practice Therapy" resource!


Terri Sánchez