Friday, May 12, 2017

100 Ways to Get Unstuck

Post 12 of 31 for May 2017!

If you click on the link above you'll find a PDF version of advice I put on my office door at UTA to kick off the 2015-2016 school year. Literally 100 ways to change up your practicing when you're feeling stuck! 

If you already have your copy of The Aspiring Flutist's Practice Companion, I should explain that this is a different list of 100 ideas than the Practice Games included in Chapter 8. In my book, the practice games are described in detail and many of them have musical examples. The PDF above is just a quick and easy brainstorming style list of things to try if you haven't already. 

Hope you find it helpful! If you're a music teacher and have an office or practice room door where you can post the 100 Ways to Get Unstuck list, it works pretty well as a door border if you cut out the three strips on each of the four pages. 

Remember, there is actually never a reason for you or your students to be stuck practicing! There is always a different technique, different perspective, or even different order you can practice in to shake things up and start making progress again.

Happy Practicing!
Terri Sànchez

P.S. If you've tried to donate to the GoFundMe Campaign for the Maverick Flute Choir and it wasn't working, the glitch is now fixed! Thank you to those of you that alerted me to the problem!
Click HERE to donate.