Thursday, March 7, 2013

Back to Basics

For today's practice recipe, try going back to basics.  Pretend like you are a beginner flutist! Focus on slow tempos, easy practice games and a sense of adventure as you discover how to make pretty sounds on that silver tube

W = Find a warm-up in an old beginner book or print a beautiful melody from  I'll never forget my very first 7th grade band flute solo in "Can You Feel the Love Tonight" from the Lion King.  Simple, nostalgic warm-ups can sometimes be the best!

A = Remember, A is for anything you really, really want or really, really need to do!  Search inside yourself.  Is there a piece you've always wanted to start?  Learn the first few lines today.  Is there a flute skill you've known for a while you need to acquire or improve?  Be brave and take that first baby step.  

T = Today, let yourself be free of fast tempos and the pressure to be perfect.  Play all twelve major scales slowly, with your most beautiful tone.  Enjoying yourself? Throw in some arpeggios!

E = Work on your favorite orchestral excerpt or favorite etude from the past. Can't think of one?  Try this! (Use pic below or click HERE). 

R = Pick one piece you will be performing this year and practice it today like you have never seen it before.  Play technical passages slowly and enjoy lyrical passages with a sense of discovery.  Give yourself time to be in the moment and connect with the piece in brand new ways!